2019 Break the Silence Stop the Violence 5k Race scheduled!!
The 2019 "Break the Silence..Stop the Violence" 5K has been scheduled and registration is open!! All proceeds from this race will be...

A merry christmas donation!
Haven would like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to the Cleveland Browns Backers Club Chapter 330! This past weekend they had their annual...

The Haven Turkey Trot Dragon Sister style
A HUGE Thank you to the Dragon Sister for the amazing donation of over 35 turkeys. This allowed Haven to provide a Thanksgiving dinner...

Only 11 more days to register to run!!
Save 15% off entry fee if you register to run by Friday enter code SAVE15FALL at checkout!!

Thank you to our SANE Nurses!!
Haven would like to send a special thank you to all our SANE nurses for all you do for us and the sexual assault victims in Lake County...

Big Thank You to Duke Energy!! #WeAreDE
Haven received some awesome donations of pillows and sheets from Duke Energy. These come at a great time, the shelter can sure use them!!...

Haven staff had a great time at the Florida Hospital Waterman Pink Out Celebration
Haven staff attended the Florida Hospital Pink Out Celebration on September 28th. It was a great time and the creativity shown on the...
ANNOUNCEMENT: HavenFest event date Changed
Our thoughts are with all those that suffered loss during our recent Hurricane Irma. Haven's offices and emergency shelter did not...